
I thrive on those moments between moments, actions between actions where we think no one is watching. The human indecisive frailties.

It’s the small elements that create a story. My work isn't political or cause based. It's vaguely philosophical, observational and autobiographical.

Objects and Icons: Ruminating Childhood

We are meaning making machines, especially as we reflect on our childhood. Time has placed a haze on the formative years when we attach meaning to the symbols of our journey. We also attach the emotions and experiences of growing into adulthood with the places we’ve been and possibly hide some of the discomfort of maturing by idealizing the objects and symbols that represent joy and sorrow.

Wander Wonder

When you're connected to your photographic self, the work can’t help but look like you. Then, the real thrill is the highly personal experience that occurs before the exposure is made. It's that memory that can never be shared in the final image. A camera in your hand is a license to see and it begs you to pay attention. The moment is there, and then it's gone forever. Try as we may to capture it, we can capture only the memory of it, the ghost of it. With this comes a wave of melancholy, sometimes subtle, sometimes not so subtle, which is also momentary. I made these photographs to illuminate moments that held meaning for me, and the memories that they left behind.

Studio Fire

July 18th, 2007. Smelled smoke. Called fire department. Thank God for shock. Things were learned. Negative thoughts are always worse than reality. Overwhelming community support. New beginning. Tenacity. Rebuilding. Personal growth. Unstoppable.

Holiday Palm

I discovered the holiday palm in my neighborhood. It resides next to a sturdy brick house. Who creates these lovely tableaux? Random people? An organization? The homeowner? Perhaps it’s a selfless form of expression to remind us of our connectedness in times of celebration. A sign of community.

I’m reminded of the discovery of Vivian Maier’s extraordinary street photography. She embraced photography almost as a secret, purely for her own enjoyment without the need for a viewer to give the work validation.

Maybe these anonymous displays were all about a secret that was hidden in plain sight by someone who loved the process and didn’t need the viewer to bring the creator’s work full circle. No need for recognition or praise.

Most every month a new story was placed inside the Palm Tree and over time my curiosity kept adding to the fable I was creating.

This is about the passage of time, the changing seasons and remembering, which is what photography does best.


Natura Morta

“I love the life of objects. When the children go to bed, the objects come to life. I like to tell stories about the life of inanimate objects.” Josef Sudek

Given my longstanding fondness for still life photography I embarked on a project that could be executed within the confines of a relatively small space, utilizing window light. I chose to curate groupings of my favorite objects, arranging them based on shared qualities as well as the juxtaposition of dissimilar items.

Each object possesses unique characteristics, and my challenge became infusing them with a personality reflective of their individual essence. Space emerged as a crucial compositional element alongside rhythm and gesture. Allowing the objects to guide the narrative and dictate how they express their unique qualities and their ability to convey movement with grace and rhythm.

My exploration delves into the eccentricities that define these objects. Metal must exude its metallic nature, while string should articulate its capacity to flow, twist, and bend. Fabric, with its inherent ability to fold and bend, offers endless possibilities for visual storytelling. These are the nuances I aim to capture and celebrate."